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Woolpower Hero


Willpower Can’t Prevent Hypothermia, But Woolpower Can

One of the first things all outdoor enthusiasts learn, is the importance – and power of – a proper baselayer. Regulating body temperature and allowing moisture (read: sweat) to wick outside your clothes and evaporate will make all the difference not only in keeping you comfortable, but also keeping you warm and safe in cold weather.

By Austin Leavitt

Best Bike Shoe Covers For Winter


How To Choose: The Best Bike Shoe Covers For Winter

For true cycling enthusiasts, winter is no obstacle; we find ways to get out on the road or trail even when the snow is falling and a layer of ice coats the ground. It may be difficult and a bit riskier, but it’s just as fun – provided your feet stay warm and dry. Bike shoe covers – also called bike overshoes – can help with that.

By Austin Leavitt

All-Clad Copper C4 Copper-infused Set

Food & Drink

Have a Lot of Money To Spend On Cookware? This Copper-Infused Collection From All-Clad Fits The Bill

Ask several different chef’s what the best material for cookware is, and you’ll get several different answers.  Stainless Steel is durable and easy to clean but doesn’t conduct heat all that well. Aluminum has excellent thermal conductivity but isn’t quite as durable as stainless steel and can warp over time at extremely high heats. Cast-iron is awesome, but heavy, brittle and impractical for most everyday cooking. Then there’s copper.

By Austin Leavitt

Ruike 801SF Everyday Carry Knife


Ruike Everyday Carry Knife – Folding 801SF: Quality Far Beyond the Price

If you are looking for an everyday carry knife that is functional, compact, and of the highest quality, the Ruike 801-SF everyday carry knife is worthy of your consideration. Have you ever lost a knife because the pocket clip failed? You don't have to worry about that with the Ruike design. The pocket clip is heavy duty and attached with two secure lock screws. You will tear your pocket off before you break the pocket clip.

By Fast Eddie