Getting a good night’s sleep is vital for just about everything in life. Most of us have no problems sleeping the night through when we hit the hay, but there are those find getting their rest a bit more difficult. Maybe they have sleep issues or need to track their sleep for recovery. Once you start actually attempting to track your sleep, it’s a complex task – opening the door for the Withings/Nokia Sleep Tracking Pad.
Sure, you could place your phone near your head, but how accurate is that really? The Sleep Tracking Pad slips under your sheets, where it (practically undetectable) tracks and analyzes your sleep cycles (deep, REM, light sleep), takes your heart rate, and even detects snoring using a fancy set of algorithms. All this info is then transmitted to Withings Health Mate app, where you can see and analyze all the pertinent parameters: average sleep depth an duration, how long it took you to fall asleep, and how many times your sleep was interrupted. There’s even a built-in sleep coach to help improve your sleep quality.
The Withings/Nokia is compact, automatically syncs to your phone via WiFi, and is even Alexa compatible – sot all you have to do is ask her to see how well you slept last night. Here’s to a restful night.