Remember Vollebak? Their the British company behind such hi-tech, over-engineered, almost-ridiculous jackets and pieces of gear as the world’s first glass bead jacket and this glow-in-the-dark hoodie. Now, it looks like they’re back with something just as exciting and innovative: a graphene jacket.
Graphene has been catching on in recent years. It’s simply an ultra-thin layer of graphite, but once molded into such an ultralight shape, it becomes as an ultralight, thin and flexible material suitable for all different kinds of applications, from shoes to sunglass frames. But no one’s ever made a jacket out of it before. The Vollebak Graphene Jacket is double-sided and reversible, with a stretch nylon on one side and a thin graphite coating on the other. Since it’s reversible, the entire thing is actually cut with lasers, to avoid wasting any material and to make sure the pockets are engineered precisely the way they need to be. The panels are bonded and all the seams sealed for waterproofness.
Furthermore, graphene is conductive – one of the most conductive materials in the world. Vollebak increased it’s resistance to electrical currents by spreading out all the graphene nanoplatelets, so it wouldn’t shock you or cause any problems, but left the jacket’s insane heat conductivity intact. As a result, the jacket will actually conduct heat from your body and spread it evenly throughout the jacket, keeping your evenly warmed all over – even increasing your skin temperature by up to 2 degrees Celsius.
Other than that, the material is waterproof and breathable, and it’s cut in the typical slim, rain jacket design. Weighing only 13 ounces, it’s a versatile, classic rain jacket that you can whip out to keep you warm and then pack down to virtually no size at all to fit into your pack – everything you need for a rain jacket.
So is it a gimmick, or is graphene really going to take over when it comes to rain jackets? We don’t know, but that hasn’t stopped the Graphene Jacket from becoming so popular that it’s already sold out, almost immediately after launching. If you think you can afford it, sign up for early access to the next release.