Calling all campers and/or preppers. We have identified some unique camp stoves and camp lighting gear you may want to add to your gear bag. All products are small, powerful, and functional.
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Calling all campers and/or preppers. We have identified some unique camp stoves and camp lighting gear you may want to add to your gear bag. All products are small, powerful, and functional.
EDC, a.k.a. everyday carry, is a term you can hear more and more often today. However, the concept behind it has existed for millennia. In fact, it’s been around since the man was advanced enough in its evolution to have any tools.
Sort of. Knowing proper first aid is an essential outdoor skill. You need to be able clean and dress wounds and other injuries when medical attention can’t get to you, and in some cases, that could even require giving yourself stitches. A chore, which, to put it mildly, absolutely sucks. ZipStitch can make it easier.
Multitools are incredibly useful, but if you're in a survival situation, you're looking for something much more heavy-duty - like an axe. The Innovation Factory Survival Axe is the perfect combination of an all-in-one multitool and heft hatchet, made from lightweight, 1055 hardened carbon steel body.
My Medic wants to make the toughest, most-accessible-to-anyone first aid kits on the planet. They want to make the tools needed to save lives, available and ready to use, wherever you are. That’s a tough job for anyone, especially considering the rigors most quality first aid kits are put through already. But that was My Medic’s goal, and it looks they’ve gone about getting it done. Exhibit A: The My Medic MyFAK.
The SOG FastHawk is based on the version of the classic Tomahawk used by US soldiers in the Vietnam War. While you may just be looking for one to chop wood or do some chores around camp, this Tactical Tomahawk is equipped for almost any situation or tactical need -breaching operations, excavation, obstacle removal, extraction.
What if it got down to it and a simple set of shoelaces saved your life? That isn't an unrealistic expectation. When preparing, everything on you and in your bug-out bag should be considered as life-saving. Survival Laces 2.0 should be a part of your preparedness.
One of the greatest advantages you have in any fight or self-defense situation is the element of surprise. Wear a gun on your hip and you are instantly recognized as dangerous. Wear it concealed, and nobody knows you are dangerous but you. Anything can be a weapon or a tool. Even if you don't have a weapon, your body can become one. Of course, we surely can't forget the value of a high-powered, tactical flashlight as a self-defense tool. This is what law enforcement teaches in their "Run, Hide, Fight" campaign. If someone is attacking you, use what's in your environment. But what if something you use on a regular basis was designed to be both a weapon and a tool? That's where tactical pens come in. But what makes for the best tactical pen for any occasion? We sat down to make a list. And then we went and chose the one we think is the best. Scroll onward to find out.
It's still in the prototype stage but with what we are seeing, it won't be long before it heads for production. Connect Green Cat Technologies' sCarabane Camper to your vehicle and you are ready to haul your luxury mini-home to your off-the-grid location.
Have you ever needed your knife in a tight pinch and realized was across the room...or left at your house? With the Kershaw AM-6 Neck Knife, you are always prepared. Kershaw knives are synonymous with affordability, function, and quality. The AL Mar™ designs continue to a top seller for Kershaw.
I know. You are asking, "Another paracord bracelet?" The Para-Claw Paracord Bracelet takes on a new twist with it's durable, hidden claw blade. The Para-Claw equips you with not only the handy paracord but also a knife that can stand up to the task. This knife isn't the small, cheaply made mini-blade you find in most paracord bracelets. Featured is a 1.5” hawkbill blade ground from 8Cr13MoV stainless steel with a stealthy BlackStoneTM finish. That ain't going to break! The blade is integrally molded to a glass/nylon guard that ties into the bracelet. Handle grooves and jimping on the thumb ramp ensure a positive grip at all times. The patent pending sheath system locks the knife securely for immediate deployment in any situation.
There is no doubt, crime is on the rise. There is no screening required to purchase handcuffs so these are open game for criminals. Are you prepared for the possibility of being handcuffed? Be prepared with the TIHK HK2 (handcuff key 2) in your pocket. TIHK stands for "Tiny Inconspicuous Handcuff Key." It is merely 0.8" long so concealing it is extremely easy. Clip one onto your belt loop or that tiny inner jean pocket. This tiny EDC gear doesn't have to be added to your wallet or your keyring. Because it blends in with your clothing, it won't attract unwanted attention no matter where you go. This includes those places where, in 2017, you may want a little extra protection (airports and government buildings, anyone?) The HK2 is 100% reinforced nylon so you can walk through metal detectors without fear.
Are you prepared to get out of your auto in an emergency? Fire, non-operating car door, water submersion. Just about everyone has had some sort of automotive catastrophe where they have been locked out of their vehicle or have been forced to assist someone else in the process. For those trying times there exists the AutoXscape 3-in-1 Car Emergency Multitool and Flashlight.