14 Posts
You may have noticed that Backcountry.com recently released their own line of outdoor gear – everything from outdoor clothing to tents and sleeping bags. There will even be some casual, urban-theme clothing for wearing off the trail and around town, all sold under the (very fitting) line name Backcountry.
While some people may opt for a satellite device that sends texts and messages, a good avalanche style transceiver is still a worthy investment, especially for backcountry touring with deep snow. The Arva Axio Beacon features three antennas, as opposed to the single or dual-antennas found on most older models.
Alchemy Equipment hails from the South Island of New Zealand. Not the first place you think of when outdoor gear is mentioned, but easily one of the most beautiful locations in the world, and a fantastic place for outdoor adventures. And that’s what has inspired their line of performance driven outerwear and gear.
Need some really cool outdoor gear? We’ve rounded up a few ideas – all from Amazon, who - with the magic of two-day shipping, you will have them in time for the spring camping season.
If you're looking to outfit and equip yourself for the cold weather ahead, head on over to Mountain Steals, where almost everything is currently on sale and take a look at all their jackets under $100. They've got everything here, from Timberland Cannon Mountain jackets for more than 50% off to Mountain Hardwear fleeces for $78
Everybody else was doing it - namely Patagonia - so REI decided to get in on the fun and launch their own Used Gear Shop. You can now snag some pretty nice gear for pretty good prices, such as a Mammut Wenaha for 30% off retail, a Helly Hansen jacket for over 30% off, and a a Big Agnes Copper Spur for 25% off. In fact, most pieces look to be in the 25-30% off range.
If you've ever wanted to channel your inner Huckleberry Finn and raft down the Mississippi - or if you've just wanted to camp out on the lake and not beside it - you need the Shoal Tent from SmithFly.
Not everybody has the funds to buy brand new gear. And to be honest, sometimes it's just not worth it; buying used gear can be much more economical, and you some solid deals, and it's better to reuse gear than just toss it, right? Patagonia, one of our favorite outdoors brands, gets this, and they've launched a new used gear store to help out: Patagonia Worn Wear.
There are lot of great subscription boxes out there, but not all of them are worth signing up for. For adventure lovers, however, Cairn might totally be worth it.
Amazon Basics has always made some high-quality products at very affordable prices, kind of like how you can get almost everything you like at your grocery a lot cheaper, just by purchasing the generic store brand. Their selection of camping gear is no different.
Piorama has really stepped up the duffel game with their Adjustable Bag, which does a lot more than just adjust some straps for a comfortable fit. It has cinches on both ends, that allow it to adjust to 31l, 46.5l to 62 sizes
The guys over at EVERGOODS, located in rugged Bozeman, Montana know what they're doing, having honed their design skills at renowned outdoor manufacturer such as Patagonia and GoRuck, and they've taken that expertise, combined it with passion, and produced a fantastic new line of packs.