
6 Posts
Need some really cool outdoor gear? We’ve rounded up a few ideas – all from Amazon, who - with the magic of two-day shipping, you will have them in time for the spring camping season.
When it comes to EDC pocket tools, anything light, slim and versatile will take the cake over a heavier, bulkier tool - like this 13-in-1 Titanium Tool from Big Idea Design. Despite being only 4mm thin, it is exceptionally low-profile and slim, weighing only .9 oz. Yes, less than an ounce.
Ten tools that weigh less than an ounce? Yes! It's all about minimalist tools today. Crafters are packing more into less space in the everyday carry market. Big Idea Design has hit a home run with the 13-in-1 Titanium Pocket Tool. The minimalist tool packs a ton of features into a slim design which you’ll barely even notice in your pocket until it saves the day in sticky situation.