9 Posts
Carharrt is generally known for their ultra-tough workwear, but it appears they make some stylish bags and accessories too. For a prime example, look at the Carharrt Elements Duffel 2.0, which combines the best of a duffel bag with a traditional backpack design to make a functional, easy-to-use and versatile carry-on bag for all kinds of traveling.
Alchemy Equipment hails from the South Island of New Zealand. Not the first place you think of when outdoor gear is mentioned, but easily one of the most beautiful locations in the world, and a fantastic place for outdoor adventures. And that’s what has inspired their line of performance driven outerwear and gear.
Need some really cool outdoor gear? We’ve rounded up a few ideas – all from Amazon, who - with the magic of two-day shipping, you will have them in time for the spring camping season.
The Kletterwerks Flip is a throwback to 1975, when Kletterwerks first appeared on the outdoor scene. The design is reminiscent of the original mountain climbing design; it's slim and sleek, with a top opening design that zippers open and lets you pack everything in vertically.
Piorama has really stepped up the duffel game with their Adjustable Bag, which does a lot more than just adjust some straps for a comfortable fit. It has cinches on both ends, that allow it to adjust to 31l, 46.5l to 62 sizes
The guys over at EVERGOODS, located in rugged Bozeman, Montana know what they're doing, having honed their design skills at renowned outdoor manufacturer such as Patagonia and GoRuck, and they've taken that expertise, combined it with passion, and produced a fantastic new line of packs.
Peak Design is known for their revolutionary camera accessories, like the Capture Clip, that give creative adventurers the convenience and freedom to bring their beloved camera kits everywhere they go. And with that same idea in mind, the folks at Peak Design have put together the Everydack Backpack - a go-anywhere, do-anything bag for camera accessories and just about anything else you could need.
Cotopaxi is inspired by a desire to make positive impacts in people’s lives, and all the gear they produced is made with this mission in mind. Named after the active Stratovolcano in the Andes Mountains, Cotopaxi makes most of their products are made in the Philippines from repurposed and recycled materials, such as their Luzon 18l Backpack.