Think of the year 1892, and what comes to mind? In this case, the Industrial Revolution, and leather making. That’s where the Kenosha Boot, part of the Wisconsin Collection by Thorogood, comes in. Inspired by the designs of Wisconsin master craftsman and shoemaker A. H. Weinbrenner, this collection from Thorogood perfectly captures the spirit of craftsmanship and attention to detail that is behind all the best American-made footwear.
Made by hand in Wisconsin, where they seem to know a thing or two about work boots, these beautiful shoes are appropriate for all different sorts of events – whether it’s a casual dinner party, or wearing to work in inclement weather. It’s 100% leather, with a rough-out upper. And while this often means that is going to be painfully uncomfortable to wear before breaking it in, this isn’t the case with the 1892 series; you can actually walk comfortably with these boots from day one.
For this pair of shoes, comfort was the name of the game; Thorogood created a spacious interior and roomy toe box for these shoes, that even the widest of feet can feel at home in – because there really is nothing worse than cramming your toes into a leather coffin with the hopes of it breaking in one day. The outsole is a leather and Vibram combination, that makes standing on your feet all day a (literal) walk in the park, and provides some serious grip when the weather turns sour. Goodyear welt construction means that these boots will last a long time, and you can simply resole them when the sole goes.
To top it all off these boots are 100% constructed in the USA. They are definitely an investment, but they will last for a long, long, long time, and you can be rest assured you will get your money’s worth out of them; should you manage to wear the sole out, simply have it replaced. For a pair of classy boots based on truly classic American workwear, the Kenosha is an excellent choice, and the versatility can’t be beat. Pair with suit, jeans or chinos – whatever you’d like.