Ever wanted to be Iron Man? Fly around in your own jet suit? Well now you can, with this real-life jet suit from Gravity Industries. Nicknamed Daedalus, after the legend of Greek mythology, and powered by five, kerosene-powered mini jet engines, the Jet Suit puts out roughly 1000 bhp, flies at a max speed of 32 miles an hour and can technically reach altitudes of over 12,000 feet – (though we imagine few people will really feel comfortable flying at that kind of altitude).
With a maximum flight time of 9 minutes, that’s about as legit as it gets. The 32 mph is even a World Record for “fastest speed in a body-controlled jet engine power suit,” and despite the weight and jet engine propulsion, the British inventor – Richard Browning – claims it requires less effort than simply holding yourself up on the back of two chairs, like you’re doing dips. He also says it’s quite calm and easy to maneuver. It also runs on either jet fuel or diesel and is thirsty -consuming four liters of fuel per minute simply when hovering.
Daedalus is being sold by British department store Selfridges. If you want one, it’ll run you over $400,000, and currently there are only 9 being produced. That’s a small price to pay for being Iron Man, however, and for virtually the only real, viable jetsuit in existence (as far as we’ve seen). Gravity Industries doesn’t call it the Next Frontier in Human Flight for nothing.