Like to eat healthy? Ever been interested in making your own kombucha, yogurt or even kefir? Check out try Cultures for Health. These starter culture kits make it wicked easy to brew and ferment your own healthy, fermented foods and drinks…from bubbly, zingy kombucha to cheese (yes, even cheese).

To make Kombucha, for example…all you have to do is add the SCOBY starter kit to your favorite sweat tea and let it ferment (for about 30 days, depending on the recipe). It’s easy. Each bag comes with 25 pH test strips – to ensure you have an environment safe for brewing and fermenting – and all the instructions you need to get started. It’s that easy.
Want to make your own Greek Yogurt? A single packet of their Greek Yogurt Starter Culture is enough for two batches of delicious, tangy Greek Yogurt. Making yogurt is a bit more labor intensive than kombucha…but it takes less time, and you can have a bowl of creamy goodness ready to go in 20-24 hours.
Like cheese? You’ve got your pick. Choose from Cream Cheese, Mozzarella or Ricotta, Feta Cheese, Goat Cheese…they offer a variety of delicious choices. Some are a little more labor intensive than the others…but all are non-GMO, totally doable at home and inclusive of all directions and how-to you need to get started. (Some cheese kits contain some excellent probiotics for fermenting – if you’re into that sort of thing).
Cultures for Health says it is their mission to make fermenting foods easy and accessible to everyone…and we think they’ve done a pretty good job of fulfilling that mission. Give their kits a shot if you’re into DIY (food) – and adding some delicious fermented eats and probiotics to your diet.