
375 Posts



Hikes You Must Try Before You Die: The Presidential Traverse

Sometimes choosing a good hike can be tough. Each mountain range, National Forest or region in the US has more than enough to last a lifetime, and it can be tempting to start checking them off in a futile effort to conquer them all. But far and away, there are some trips that are just classics of American backpacking  - like the White Mountains' Presidential Traverse.

By Austin Leavitt

north face ventrix hoodie


North Face Ventrix Jacket: This Year’s New Mid-Layer

Lightweight, breathable mid-layers may seem like a dime a dozen in the outdoor apparel world, but that doesn't stop us from getting excited whenever one of our favorite brands releases a new one; there are constant innovations in ventilation and insulation tech, and it seems like somebody is always coming out with something lighter, warmer and more breathable. North Face's contribution for this coming winter is the North Face Ventrix.

By Austin Leavitt

patagonia worn wear banner


Patagonia Worn Wear is Their Shop For Used Gear

Not everybody has the funds to buy brand new gear. And to be honest, sometimes it's just not worth it; buying used gear can be much more economical, and you some solid deals, and it's better to reuse gear than just toss it, right? Patagonia, one of our favorite outdoors brands, gets this, and they've launched a new used gear store to help out: Patagonia Worn Wear.

By Austin Leavitt

best personal locator beacons


5 Best Personal Locator Beacons and Satellite Communicators

Going out into the wilderness can be dangerous. The vast, vast majority of camping trips and outdoor expeditions will go off completely without a hitch, there is always some inherent risk, of getting lost, falling off your bike and hurting yourself, or running into some unexpected, inclement weather, and it’s important to be prepared for a situation like those. And since cell reception can’t be relied on in the backcountry, it might be a good idea to look into a personal locator beacon or satellite messenger to take with you. 

By Austin Leavitt

best cold weather sleeping bags


8 Best Cold Weather Sleeping Bags

Cold weather camping requires some gear with special qualities; mainly, warmth. And apart from your clothing, no piece of equipment is as important for winter camping as a good cold weather sleeping bag. A proper sleeping bag will not only let you sleep comfortably in chilly weather, but actually help you remain safe when the temperatures drop below freezing.

By Austin Leavitt

Best Four Season Tents


9 of the Best Four-Season Tents for Winter Expeditions

No, it’s not too early to start looking for a good four-season tent. With Labor Day upon us, Autumn is just around the corner. And in most parts of the Northern Hemisphere, that means the temperatures are going to start dropping and snow will start falling, especially for those of us at higher elevations. Time to start gearing up for winter camping.

By Austin Leavitt

alpsmountaineering eclipse table checkers


Go Camping with The ALPS Mountaineering Eclipse Table

Camping table? Sure, we can think of some uses for one of those. Like playing checkers, as the Eclipse Camping Table from ALPS Mountaineering lets you do. The Eclipse Table is built almost like a regular old lawn chair or camping chair, but is instead a foldable, portable table made for enhancing your campsite

By Austin Leavitt

eno nomad hammock


ENO Nomad Lets You Camp in a Hammock – Without Trees, or a Car

We love camping hammocks. They’re light, portable, easy to use and supremely comfortable, a great way to sleep in what is practically perfect comfort, at least compared to the cold ground. Their only problem is that sometimes, you just don’t have a place to hang one; they need two solid trees or posts (though sometimes you can get away with a couple of perfectly placed rocks).  The ENO Roadie offered a good solution for car camping – the only drawback being, you need a car. But now ENO (that's short for Eagle's Nest Outfitters) seems to have come up with another solution – the ENO Nomad.

By Austin Leavitt

icemule boss backpack cooler featured


Icemule Boss Backpack Cooler: Tough, Portable, Cold

We've seen our fair share of drink coolers before, but we've yet to see anything quite like the IceMule Boss Backpack Cooler. This backpack cooler hybrid may just be the most convenient and portable cooler there is, is easy to wear and carry, meaning it will go anywhere you may find yourself heading off the beaten path.

By Austin Leavitt

Grayl Water Filter In action


Grayl Bottle: One-Piece Water Purification in 15 Seconds

While water purification has come a long way, and you've got your choice of pocket-sized, one-piece water filters (like the Lifestraw) and larger, more intricate systems. But one drawback all these typical systems have in common, is that they are separate from your water bottle, thus requiring you to carry more than one item and requiring more effort to properly filter water. The Grayl bottle, however, seeks to simplify the process and streamline everything down into one piece, for simple, one-step water purification. 

By Austin Leavitt

tecnica forge boots


Tecnica Forge Boots Mold To Your Feet For A Perfect Fit

Finding comfortable footwear can be a challenge, especially for those of us with in-between sizes or widths. When it comes to hiking and outdoor shoes, that challenge can be even more so, which is why the Tecnica Forge line of boots is so great; thermo-formable footwear has been around for a while (especially in ski boots), but no one has really ventured into the world of lighweight hiking boots with them just yet.

By Austin Leavitt

crater lake national park


America’s Best Campsites: Crater Lake National Park

Want to take a dip in America's deepest lake? How about sleeping on an active volcano? Well at Crater Lake National Park, you can do both. Located in the Cascade Mountains of Southern Oregon, Crater Lake was formed by the collapsed volcano, Mount Mazama. It's one of the bluest, clearest and cleanest and definitely most beautiful lakes in the country, fed entirely by rain and snow. 

By Austin Leavitt

goruck simple pants grey


GoRuck Simple Pants: Perfect for Everything

We love GoRuck for their high-quality, built to last bags and gear, almost completely guaranteed to last you decades of hard use and abuse. They've taken that same attention-to-detail and reliable craft and put it into their line of apparel - such as the GoRuck Simple Pants.

By Austin Leavitt

Tvan MK5 Camper Trailer

Home List

Tvan MK5 Camper Trailer – Best of the Best in Off-the-Grid Living

Do you think you are a Puzzle Master? Have you yet to find a puzzle to challenge you? The Ravensburger Silver “Krypt” Puzzle is sure to offer a challenge to your puzzle skills. This the lowest cost form of entertainment you will find. The name that comes to mind when thinking of puzzles is "Ravensburger." Ravensburger has been manufacturing high-quality jigsaw puzzles since 1891. The thickness and precision cut of each piece make these puzzles heirloom quality. The joy of assembling most puzzles is looking at the box cover and associating the pieces with the overall picture. There are plenty of reference points. However, with the 654-piece Krypt, it's like putting together a puzzle blind folded. Your reference points are solely the shape of the pieces. People tackle the Krypt in a number of different ways No mater how you tackle the project, we are pretty sure you will be working on it at least 12 hours. If you beat that time, let us know.

By Fast Eddie