The Smart Revolution will stop at nothing, we suppose, and we've now seen our first Smart Jacket - the Levi's Commuter Trucker Jacket, a collaboration between Google and Levi's to bring technology to a totally classic piece of outerwear.
While we generally prefer getting our exercise outside, there is sometimes something to be said for a having a nice treadmill around. Say, when it’s the dead of winter, ice blankets the ground and you have no desire to step outside for a run. Yeah, no way.
Valet trays are essential pieces for any home or apartment interior, creating a convenient and classy spot to neatly throw and stash their equipment at the end of the day. But what about the truly tool-obsessed, the EDC Gear lovers among us, who have more knives, watches and pocket-sized tools than your average fellow, and wants to display them all – neatly and gracefully
Jeans are often thought of as hot and heavy, but we all know that is no longer the case. Stretch jeans are all the rage – as are stretch pants of all kinds. But no one ever accused jeans of being weatherproof, at least until DUER introduced their new weatherproof jeans.
Boating is such a popular hobby/sport...especially since CoVid had us all outside. To make your experience what you expect, we have suggestions on selecting the correct boating accessories. Start with these, and you are sure to have many hours of boating fun.
If you’re looking for the perfect folding knife for EDC and CCW, look no further than the SpyderCo Manix 2. This is a 5-star knife that has been popular amongst EDC aficionados and tactical enthusiasts alike, and it’s not hard to see why when you get the chance to carry it around with you.