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Camping Tips for Tall Guys: Ideas for Unique Challenges

Camping is an exciting and thrilling adventure for people of all ages and backgrounds. For a tall person, there may be challenges. Here are our top camping tips for the taller camper.

Camping is a thrilling and adventurous experience for everyone. However, it may be difficult for those who do not have the proper equipment to survive in the wilderness. Moreover, for those who are over six feet tall, finding the appropriate equipment may be difficult. Everything appears to be made for someone between 5’5″ and 5’10”. Thus fitting into these spaces will be difficult. So here are some ideas to make sure that your camping experience is one size fits all, or at the very least that it is one size that fits your whole group.

Where to Stay the Night

To avoid unpleasant camping scenarios, you will want to do some preliminary research. Unfortunately, the bad news for you is that the additional height and reach that your tall body provides also means that you must acquire specialized equipment. No, we are not talking about clothes (although it does assist with comfort; pick up a few of our T-shirts before you go off), but you will not be able to purchase the regular-sized tents or sleeping bags that you see on Amazon since they are all the same.


Investigate the precise dimensions of every sleeping bag you want to purchase and compare it to your body measurements. Look for one that is at least a foot or more longer than your body.


Your tent’s dimensions have a bit more wiggle room, and they will vary significantly based on your camping preferences. The primary purpose of most rugged tents is to keep the weather out. As a result, most rough-and-tumble structures are not very tall. As a result, they will be pretty tiny and only accommodate one person at a time.

Larger, more comfortable, or tall tents are built with several people in mind. However, they are also considerably roomier and may have enough space for you to stand up. Larger tents usually take up additional storage space. They need more time to construct, so make your decision based on how much room you require vs. how much time you would like to spend setting up camp.


Even if you are not tent camping, you will still have to put in some effort. Hammocks are trendy these days, but they are built with the ordinary person in mind. You may locate a high-quality hammock only to realize that your arms and legs will be hanging out of it like a grownup in a child’s bed. As with any tall camping gear, it is best to get as large as you can afford. You will not be swallowed whole by even the most oversized hammocks unless you are clearing seven feet or more of space. Additionally, although not technically required, some individuals find it difficult to sleep on uneven ground, even when a tarp or tent floor is placed under their sleeping bag.

Car camping

Car camping is another option for avoiding hanging feet. In the back of SUVs and other big cars, there is often enough room to fold down the back seats, making them an excellent choice for a temporary sleeping arrangement. Depending on the technology of the car, you could even consider a small SUV. If you want to be outside, a truck bed is a good choice. The only thing to remember is to have enough padding to lie on in the truck’s bed.

Keeping Food Safe

Likely, you will not be frustrated by your height for the remainder of your camping vacation, which is fortunate. Most of the other activities and camping choices are workable for anybody. However, you may have a slight advantage in terms of experience. Food and other possessions are sometimes hung out of reach of bears (or other animals) throughout the night to discourage them from rummaging into the campers’ sleeping bags. Ideally, they should be eight to ten feet above the ground, which is much simpler to accomplish if you are already very tall. You may also find that you are in high demand amongst your fellow campers, particularly from those who have large tents that need a long reach to be correctly put up. So take pleasure in your popularity throughout the campsite.


Make sure to pack appropriately for your vacation, just as you would for any other. Always double- and triple-check your provisions before setting off on a journey. Lists are your most effective organizing tool, even if you are only going on a road trip. If this is your first vacation, or if you are simply worried, do not be scared to bring too much with you.

Hygiene products and food are typically the first items to go out of date, so put them first on your list of things to buy in bulk. Plan out your meals for each day, and make sure you follow through with them! That is where the leftovers will come in handy, as you will be able to nibble whenever you want without depleting your lunch or supper reserves. Bring lots of water with you as well, and stay away from sugary or fizzy beverages. Due to the amount of physical activity and stress associated with camping, these kinds of beverages may quickly dehydrate you. It is essential to maintain a healthy diet and adequate hydration.

Planning for everything ahead of time, rather than just letting things unfold naturally, is a common mistake of new campers. Camping is the most fun when you allow room for the unexpected. Being prepared is essential, but don’t resist the opportunities that come your way, like finding an unexpected hiking route, eating with new friends, or trying out fun activities while you are camping.

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