There’s about as many different subscription boxes as there are hobbies (or lifestyle fads); they’re great ways to get cool, handy or essential pieces of gear or equipment ship straight to you, for what usually works out to be a very affordable price. And while you can usually tailor them to your own needs and wants, not all subscription boxes are actually worth subscribing to; and many end up sending you a lot of cool trinkets with little purpose. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t some good choices out there, like Cairn, which delivers a box of fun, useful outdoor gear to your doorstep every month.
For as little as $27.45 (and as much as $29) a month, Cairn will deliver at least $50 worth of outdoor gear, accessories or snacks (usually 3-6 items) each month. These can be anything from sunglasses, to a hydration pouch, to skincare or granola bars. You can also choose a quarterly option, which will deliver 5-10 premium products (up to $350) every few months. Each box is curated based on your profile and preferences, from favorite outdoor activities to whether you have a dog. You can also review your gear in exchange for points, which can be eventually be redeemed for free boxes and apparel.
You can also give Cairn as a gift. So if a little bit of monthly outdoor inspiration sounds exciting to you, and you’re always on the lookout for more gear with little effort, signing up for Cairn could net you some good gear- and save a bit of dough in the process.