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XLR has been known as a quality engineer of audio products for some time, and the new Blue ember XLR Studio Condenser Mic is no exception. The Blue Ember XLR is a perfect mic for DIY enthusiasts who need a solid all-purpose recording microphone for making music or streaming live audio. It has a 38Hz-20kHz response range, so it can pick up low rumbling bass tones and crystal clear high notes to an unparalleled degree of precision. Even with it's low price, the Blue Ember is light years beyond speakers with built-in microphones such as the NYNE Aqua.
Bike racks for your vehicle are reliable and durable, but they also tend to be pricey; it’s not unusual for a full setup – bars, feet, rack – to cost $500+. The Kupper Mounts are gonna change that, however, switching out the typical design for simpler, easier suction cups.