A common complaint with outdoor gear is that it is too expensive. Beginners don’t want to dump hundreds of dollars on kit only to find they don’t enjoy the sport. And those with smaller pocketbooks can find their options limited. But there is good news: there are cheap and affordable backpacks and other camping gear out there, provided you know where to find it. AmazonBasics Internal Frame Hiking BackPack is just further proof.
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With a 65-liter capacity and dirt-cheap price tag, the Internal Frame Hiking Backpack ranks highly when it comes to space-to-price ratio. Very few other bags offer this kind of storage and space for so little money. Even fewer do it with any kind of quality. Built with durable polyester ripstop, it boasts a water-repellent exterior coating as well as an integrated water-resistant rainfly that will work for lighter storms. A waterproof cover is included for when things get really wet.

Storage is, of course, ample, with an assortment of pockets and compartments all over the place and a large sleeping bag compartment. Multi-directional compression straps keep things tight and in place. Added lumbar support ensures comfort and stability, and the padded shoulder straps are keep things from digging in uncomfortably.
All that and it’s backed up by AmazonBasics’ 1-Year Warranty. While there isn’t a whole lot of hands-on info about AmazonBasics’s outdoor line out there, we can’t imagine it would be so crappy as to completely counteract their wallet-friendliness. Long-term durability? Maybe not so much. But it certainly packs a punch for its price.