Amazon Basics has always made some high-quality products at very affordable prices, kind of like how you can get almost everything you like at your grocery a lot cheaper, just by purchasing the generic store brand. Their selection of camping gear is no different. While you won’t find any particularly hi-tech or expensive items, they have got a few well-priced and…well, basic, camping items that are perfect for equipping yourself on a budget. The AmazonBasics Tent, for example, is a 4-person tent ready for 3-seasons, water-resistant with inverted seams, and a rainfly. It’s perfect for car camping or short, light hiking trips, and costs a fraction of what a lot of other tents costs. They’ve complemented that with a self-inflating air pad, which provides some comfort on the hard ground and warmth when the temp drops, as well as a packable camping pillow. They’ve even got a 75l, internal frame backpack with rainfly and more than enough storage for any backpacking trip. On the travel side, the brand also includes some packing cubes, travel belts and an ultralight daypack.
How does it all hold up? Only time will tell, but reviews are positive, and it’s Amazon Basics – all of this comes at a very low and affordable price – getting you into the open without necessarily having to break the bank. The line is still relatively young, but we hope to see some more gear in the future.